Four ways The Senior Citizens League can help you:


We defend your interests in the halls of Congress. When the politicians try to cut your hard-earned benefits, we are there to stop them!


We provide you with important news about the benefits and programs you are entitled to. Updates and developments about Social Security, Medicare, Veterans’ benefits, prescription drugs and other programs for seniors and retirees.


We show you how to save money. Our newsletter, the Social Security and Medicare Advisor, includes cost-saving tips for seniors and timely advice about government programs and how you can maximize the benefits you receive.


Weekly Updates on the issues that affect you the most. We stay on top of the latest developments in government, health care, and business and share them with you.

Take Our Poll

Currently, Social Security Payroll Taxes are deducted from income under $176,100. Should Congress Increase the amount of income subject to Social Security payroll taxes?

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Monthly Update

February 2025

The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) Monthly Washington Update for the end of February 2025 Unless you don’t watch, read, or listen to the news, you know things are happening in Washington at a dizzyi ...

January 2025

The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) Monthly Washington Update for the end of January 2025 The month of January certainly has generated a considerable volume of news out of Washington, D.C. As he had pr ...

December 2024

Social Security Fairness Act Signed into Law  At the end of December, the U.S. Senate finally passed the bipartisan Social Security Fairness Act, which had passed the House earlier in the month. I ...

Press Releases/Press Briefings

Take Action


There are a variety of ways you can be an active participant for change and influence on Capitol Hill. Click on the option that you are most interested in to get started. You can Sign a Petition, Signup to Stay Informed, or Write a Letter to Your Representative. A new 2025 Senior Survey has just been released. Your input helps to establish our legislative agenda and priorities for 2025. Take the survey today.


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