This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate adjourned for the first holiday recess of the 115th Congress.
Lawmakers Adjourn for Holiday Recess
This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate returned to their home states and districts for the President’s Day recess. They are expected to return to Capitol Hill on Monday, February 27th. In the meantime, many Members of Congress will be holding town hall meetings to address the questions and concerns of their constituents.
TSCL encourages its members and supporters to attend these town halls and to ask questions of their elected officials about important Social Security and Medicare issues, like the following three…
1. Most working Americans contribute 6.2 percent of every paycheck to Social Security, but due to the payroll tax cap, people earning more than $127,200 contribute nothing over that amount. Do you support legislation like the newly-introduced Social Security Expansion Act that would extend the life of the program by requiring millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share?
2. The federal government negotiates prescription drug prices for Medicaid and for veterans, but it is not allowed to negotiate lower prices for Medicare beneficiaries. Do you support this policy?
3. If the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) were based on a more accurate measure of inflation for seniors, beneficiaries would not be receiving a record-low 0.3% increase this year. They would be receiving an increase of 2.1% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Do you support legislation that would base the COLA on a more accurate inflation index like the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly?
To see if your Members of Congress will be holding town hall meetings in the final days of the President’s Day recess, call their local offices. You can find contact information HERE. To stay updated on TSCL’s advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.