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Allergy Season Is Here:  So, is it Covid, Allergies, Flu, or a Cold?

Allergy Season Is Here:  So, is it Covid, Allergies, Flu, or a Cold?

One of the concerns last fall and winter was knowing whether someone might have the seasonal flu, a cold, or the coronavirus.  As it turned out, seasonal flu was almost non-existent, and colds were also way down.

While the reasons for that are still being explored, it is likely the wearing of masks, frequent hand washing and staying away from crowds contributed to those results.

Now, allergy season has arrived and in the United States as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of kids have seasonal allergies.

Once again, the question among some is whether it is allergies or Covid or something else.

The Mayo Clinic has put out the following information as a way of helping you decide what it is that you may be suffering from.  You are advised that if your symptoms are the same as in the past you are likely suffering from allergies again.  But if there is any variation you should get tested for Covid.  And if you have any doubt, getting tested for Covid is probably the right thing to do, especially if you have not been fully vaccinated.

You can go here to see the Mayo Clinic symptoms chart:

