After leaving major decisions on Social Security and Medicare cuts to the New Year, Members of Congress are returning to pick up their debate over entitlements and taxes. With the looming insolvency of the Social Securi ...
Author Archives: georgette
Immigration Reform Battle Moves Into New Year
Pressure on Congress is ramping up for immigration legislation that provides a "clear path to citizenship" for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. House GOP Members are reportedly working on several immigration b ...
Obamacare Opens, Millions Lose Health Insurance — Including Me
By Mary Johnson, editor Obamacare wasn't open for more than 30 days before two million people had lost their healthcare coverage – triple the number who were able to enroll up to that point. Unfortunately, I was ...
Benefit Bulletin: January 2014
TSCL Welcomes Strong New Voice For Seniors, Ed Cates TSCL recently welcomed Ed Cates as the new Chairman of its all-volunteer Board of Directors. Here are a few of his thoughts on key issues that TSCL will be working ...
Get Out Of Our Way!
WWII Vets Break Through Shutdown Barriers During the recent government shutdown, a group of feisty World War II vets managed to do what Congress failed miserably to do for another 15 days – reopen a part of our ...
TSCL Member Remembers
My Friend Paris Contributed by John Seavers Most of us know someone involved in World War II. Mine was one of my best friends in high school – a guy with a novel first name – Paris. Paris Palmer, was p ...
Legislative Update: January 2014
New Challenges Ahead By Jessie Gibbons, Legislative Assistant The second session of the 113th Congress has just begun, and The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) is gearing up for another busy year. With the November el ...
Congressional Corner: Protecting Social Security for Retirees and Future Generations
By Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA-38) and Rep. Rush Holt (NJ-12) Social Security is one of our country's greatest success stories. For nearly eight decades it has helped keep seniors out of poverty and given them a sense of i ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Medicare and Moving
Help! Mom Moved In With Us, But Her Medicare Plan Isn't Accepted Here! Q: We recently moved my mom from another part of the state to live with us. She's starting to have memory problems and it's too risky for her to l ...
TSCL Member Spotlight — Mr. & Mrs. Lance Colvin, WA
We are no longer physically able to work, so we're concerned that current Social Security and Medicare benefits and future COLAs will be cut via D.C. shenanigans and slight-of-hand legislation, thus making our financial ...