Alexandria, VA: How much will the Social Security cost – of – living adjustment (COLA) boost your benefits? “Probably not enough to prevent a loss of benefit buying power,” says Ed Cates, Chairman of The Senior Cit ...
Author Archives: shannon
Sixth Consecutive Year Of Record Low COLAs “Unprecedented,” Says The Senior Citizens League
Alexandria, VA: The annual Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will remain at record low levels again in 2015, says a new forecast by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL). According to the most recent consumer ...
White House Action On Immigration Comes With Hidden Long-term Costs to Social Security, Warns The Senior Citizen League
Alexandria, VA: White House action that provides work authorization and Social Security numbers for unauthorized immigrants comes with hidden, but significant, long – term costs, warns The Senior Citizens League (TSCL). ...
Majority Of Retirees Would Raid Savings Or Borrow For Financial Emergencies Says New Poll By The Senior Citizens League (TSCL)
Majority Of Retirees Would Raid Savings Or Borrow For Financial Emergencies Says New Poll By The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) Alexandria, VA: A majority of Social Security recipients would have to raid retirement sa ...
The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) Warns: White House Action On Immigration Could Give Social Security To Known Illegals
Alexandria, VA: President Obama is considering Executive action soon that would bypass Congress on immigration. A White House initiative that supplies green cards and work - authorized Social Security numbers to undocume ...
No Support Among Seniors For Likely Disability Trust Fund Fix
Alexandria, VA: A leading proposal to temporarily fix the looming insolvency of the Social Security disability trust fund by reallocating payroll taxes has virtually no support among seniors, according to a new poll by ...
The Two Medicare Fixes That Seniors Hate Most
Alexandria, VA: An overwhelming majority of seniors oppose two Medicare changes that are among the most widely - discussed reforms in Congress, according to a new survey by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL). Eighty-one ...
Majority Of Seniors Think Affordable Care Act Not So Affordable
Majority Of Seniors Think Affordable Care Act Not So Affordable New Survey Released By The Senior Citizens League Alexandria, VA: A large majority of seniors think that the costs of new health plans und ...
58% Of Seniors Worried Their Health Plan Could Be Cancelled
58% Of Seniors Worried Their Health Plan Could Be Cancelled - According To New Poll By The Senior Citizens League Alexandria, VA: One of the most politically incendiary issues of last fall's Obamacare launch may turn i ...
The Next Big Bail Out? Social Security Disability Program Almost Out Of Funds.
Alexandria, VA: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently released information about Social Security that went unnoticed by the media, and was all but ignored by Congress and President Obama. The part of the program ...