Representing South Florida in Congress, I regularly hold town meetings with retirees. Inevitably, the first question from the crowd is one I often ask myself, “Why are folks in Washington lying about Social Security?” ...
Category: Issues
Senior Citizens League Opposes Use Of Social Security Funds For Tax Cut (Press Release)
March 14, 2001, Alexandria, VA-`The TREA Senior Citizens League adamantly opposes any efforts to tap the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for any new or continuing programs-including a tax cut,` said George Smith, chair ...
Social Security Pays Fugitives $30 Million Annually
Anthony Cummings, a fugitive on the run from a child rape indictment in Georgia, improperly collected thousands of dollars in Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI) payments until the law finally caught up with him. T ...
Private Medicare Plans Too Costly Congress Told
Private Medicare Advantage health plans cost too much and are forcing the government and seniors to pay more than they would for traditional Medicare, Congress was recently told. Lawmakers are taking a closer look at th ...
Private Medicare Plans Too Costly Congress Told
Private Medicare Advantage health plans cost too much and are forcing the government and seniors to pay more than they would for traditional Medicare, Congress was recently told. Lawmakers are taking a closer look at th ...
Legislative Update: Social Security and Medicare Commission Proposed
Seniors may be hearing some big proposals to cut Social Security and Medicare soon. Seniors may be hearing some big proposals to cut Social Security and Medicare soon. Congress recently was told that Social Security an ...
Ask The Advisor: What is included in the CPI?
Q: The news media has me confused regarding what is included in the CPI. I understand, according to the media, that the CPI does not include food or fuel. I wondered how that could be since they would be two of the la ...
How Much Less Do Notch Babies Receive?
Recently one of our readers asked "Is there a percentage as to how much less NOTCH BABIES receive monthly?" Although not many studies exist, according to one study of average earners born from 1917 through 1926, the dis ...
How Much Less Do Notch Babies Receive?
Recently one of our readers asked "Is there a percentage as to how much less NOTCH BABIES receive monthly?" Although not many studies exist, according to one study of average earners born from 1917 through 1926, the disp ...
Will Widows Of Notch Babies Be Included Under Notch Reform?
"My husband passed away September 5, 2005. What will happen to his lump-sum if they ever decide to pass Notch Reform? What would happen to my lump-sum if I should die now? Would my daughter get it? It seems they are ...