TSCL Wants You A financing crisis is looming for Social Security and Medicare and the future of our benefits is at stake. You can make the difference. Help TSCL muster the grass roots support to stop the plans to put ...
Category: Social Security Reform Articles
2012 TSCL Senior Survey
How Should Congress Strengthen Social Security and Medicare? Congress has spent much of its time over the past two years locked in a rigidly - partisan standoff over the federal budget deficit. But TSCL’s new 2012 Sen ...
Economy Headed For “Fiscal Cliff”
The failure of the politically divided Congress and Obama White House to address a sizable list of thorny spending and tax issues by year’s end could pose hardships for seniors and a setback for the economy. At the close ...
Social Security Trustees: Legislative Action Needed “ASAP”
The Social Security and Medicare trustees recently released their annual reports amidst controversy over the numbers. The Social Security trustees say that program financing is eroding faster than anticipated, and the di ...
Thieves Stealing Social Security Disability Benefits While Insolvency Looms
With the help of his now deceased mother, Anthony George obtained a second Social Security Number under the fictitious name of Sonny Fisher in 1982. Using his fake identity, in 1993 he applied for disability benefits und ...
Cost Of Social Security Benefits Based On Illegal Work?
New TSCL Report: $994.8 Billion in Wages In SSA’s Earnings Suspense File While employment plunged at the height of the recession in 2009, new data from the Social Security Administration (SSA) suggests that millions o ...
Congressional Corner: Promises Made To Seniors Must Be Kept
By Representative Bill Posey (FL-15) Most seniors have spent their entire lives paying into a system that guarantees Social Security and Medicare benefits at retirement age, and the federal government must honor that ...
Will Your Social Security Benefits Last As Long As You Do?
TSCL Believes Benefits At Stake The amount of money that the federal government owes to its creditors — including the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds — is now estimated to be as big as the entire U.S. economy ...
Social Security Giving Out SSNs To ID Thieves
Why risk stealing a Social Security Number when you can get a document confirming you have the real thing directly from the Social Security Administration (SSA)? Some conniving identity thieves appear to be going directl ...
Congressional Corner: The Payroll Tax Cut’s Not The Problem – Privatization Is
The following does not necessarily reflect the views of The Senior Citizens League. By Representative Mike Doyle (PA-14) As Congress returns to work, it begins another debate over the Social Security payroll tax – ...