Category: Legislative News

January 23, 2021

In Congress this Week While the pending impeachment trial of former President Trump, the continuing coronavirus disaster, and the debate over President Biden’s new economic stimulus bill has dominated the news, there ...

January 16, 2021

New Congress Sworn in but Little in the Way of Legislation Yet The new Congress has been sworn into office but little in the way of legislation regarding Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid has yet been introduced.  ...

January 2, 2021

As we begin a new year, we hope you had the best holiday season possible under the conditions we all continue to face because of the coronavirus pandemic.  We know the past ten months have been extremely hard for many Am ...

December 19, 2020

Barring any unexpected news relating to seniors this will be our last update for this year.  It has been an incredibly tough year.  We hope that despite all the challenges we all face, the health risks and the distancing ...

December 12, 2020

Congress Still Working to Avoid Government Shutdown If it weren’t for the coronavirus and the start of the vaccination program against it the top news story would probably be the fact that Congress still can’t reach a ...

December 5, 2020

Congress Still Can’t Get Its Work Done Congress has until the end of this Friday to pass legislation to fund the federal government for the remainder of fiscal year 2021.  Very few people think they’ll get it done. ...

October 31, 2020

Government Issues New Health Care Cost Transparency Rules In an effort to inject transparency into the obscure costs of health care the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued new rules that will requ ...
