Social Security Benefit Cuts Don’t Add Up By Daisy Brown, TSCL Legislative Liaison The claim that Social Security cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) must be cut to prevent the program’s impending bankruptcy is unli ...
Category: Uncategorized
Benefit Bulletin: House Hearing: Social Security Overpays Disabled Beneficiaries, Then Demands Money Back
Edward Cates, Chairman of the Board, TSCL The House Subcommittee on Social Security recently learned that about 1 million people a year have received letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA) stating that ...
What To Say When Someone Tells You “Boomers Had It Made”
By Mary Johnson, editor As the debate over Social Security and Medicare deficits starts to simmer, those of us of a certain age are hearing that “Boomers have it made!” Some say that Social Security is going bankrupt, ...
Ask the Advisor: January/February 2024
What Type Of Income Causes Reductions To Social Security Benefits? Q: I received a notice that I earned more than the Social Security earnings limit, and now my Social Security benefits have been reduced. What type of ...
This Proposal Would Cut Social Security COLAs
Social Security benefit cuts are the top retirement concern of 58% of all participants in TSCL’s most recent Retirement Survey. There’s good reason to be worried. The new House Speaker, Representative Mike Johnson (LA-4) ...
Commission Proposed to Cut Social Security and Medicare Trust Fund Deficits
Critical talks are underway in Congress after legislation was introduced in the House and Senate to create a bipartisan “Fiscal Commission” tasked with creating a plan to address the looming insolvency of federal governm ...
Congressional Corner: New Legislation Would Extend Contribution Period For Health Savings Accounts, Protect Access To Skilled Nursing Facilities
By Representative Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) It is understandable to worry that Members of Congress may be disconnected from the people they are hired to serve. But I assure you, feedback from constituents has a h ...
Legislative Update: November/December 2023
83% Think Income Thresholds That Subject Social Security Benefits To Taxation Should Be Adjusted For Inflation. By Daisy Brown, TSCL Legislative Liaison When incomes grow like they did this year with an 8.7% COLA, ...
Benefit Bulletin: November/December 2023
Let’s Be Real: — The Social Security COLA Is Meager, Even When “Above Average” Edward Cates, Chairman of the Board, TSCL Inflation data is slowing down to more typical rates of growth, but so far NOBODY is throwing ...
The $45,000 Question — What Would You Do If Your Doctor Prescribes A Drug That Costs That Much?
Mary Johnson, editor Medicare coverage isn’t a set-it once and forget it option. To protect your retirement finances from potentially significant surprise expenses, it’s important to review your drug and health plan o ...