There has also been new bi-partisan legislation introduced that would permit certain basic medical services to be given by pharmacies. Representatives G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) and Representative David McKinley (R-W.V ...
Category: Uncategorized
New Bills Regarding Medicare/Social Security Benefits Introduced in Congress
The following legislation of interest to TSCL and our supporters has been introduced recently in Congress. Unfortunately, there is no additional information available regarding the contents of the bills other than what ...
Medicare Spends Most of its Money on Only 10% of Drugs
A Kaiser Family Foundation study has found that ten percent of prescription drugs make up the majority of Medicare drug spending. According to the study, the 250 top selling drugs, each with one manufacturer and no co ...
Be Cautious When Selecting a Medicare Advantage or Supplement Plan
We have all seen the seemingly endless ads on TV by former football players, actors and fake talk show hosts that promote Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplement plans. They all promote the long list of additional be ...
Will Biden Address Prescription Drug Prices This Week?
Although Democrats now hold the reigns of power in Washington, if only by the slimmest of margins, they are far from unanimous agreement on many of the issues facing our nation. Included among those are the cost of heal ...
Fight Over Surprise Billing Regulations in Washington
Last year TSCL joined the fight to end “surprise billing,” a practice that generally refers to expensive, unexpected medical bills that patients receive from hospitals and doctors’ offices even when they have health insu ...
Ask the Advisor: April/May 2021
I’ve Been Vaccinated Against COVID-19. What Can I Safely Do? Q: I recently got vaccinated for COVID-19. I’m ready to start more activities but what can I safely do? Is it safe to go to the dentist? Is it OK to vac ...
New Report Reveals Drug Companies Trick to Keep Prices High
A new report suggests that “product hopping”—a practice by drug companies to extend their patents on profitable drugs—costs American consumers and the U.S. health care system billions of dollars each year. The report ...
Hospitals Told to Stop Hiding Their Prices from Patients
There are new federal rules that require hospitals to post their pricing information online in order to give patients the information they need to make decisions about their health care. But it turns out that some large ...
Biden Proposes Major Changes to Government Health Care Programs
Also last week, President Biden unveiled his proposal to create a $6.5 billion medical research agency with a bold new goal: quickly developing cures for diseases including cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes. If the ag ...