Washington, DC) – Despite our nation’s recent partisan political divisions, two surveys by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) found high levels of consensus on five proposals that would strengthen Social Security and Medi ...
Category: Uncategorized
Lessons we are learning from the coronavirus pandemic are very likely to change things permanently in ways we are now beginning to see, but also in ways we do not yet know. One of the ways may very well be a new Medic ...
Social Security
We at TSCL are monitoring legislation regarding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid as well as other issues of importance to seniors The need to fix Social Security has come to center stage this week with articles ...
In Congress this Week
While the pending impeachment trial of former President Trump, the continuing coronavirus disaster, and the debate over President Biden’s new economic stimulus bill has dominated the news, there are other things being di ...
Once You are Vaccinated Can Life go back to Normal?
The short answer is no – not yet. Even with the vaccine there is still a 1 in 20 chance of getting the virus. The vaccine will prevent the symptoms of the virus from occurring. In other words, it will prevent you fr ...
Medicare Needs to be able to Negotiate Prescription Drug Prices
TSCL has been fighting for years for ways to lower prescription drug prices. One of the ways to do that is to allow Medicare to negotiate the prices of drugs with the drug companies. Now, a new report confirms how mu ...
Beware of COVID Vaccine Scams
As outrageous as it is, there are reports of scams involving phony appointments for the COVID vaccine. People have received emails, phone calls or text messages supposedly from local health departments offering to put t ...
Senior Drug Discount Cards Promise is Dead
Prior to the election last fall President Trump announced he was going to send millions of senior citizens discount cards to help pay for the cost of prescription drugs. But he didn’t give any details on how the federal ...
New Congress Sworn in but Little in the Way of Legislation Yet
New Congress Sworn in but Little in the Way of Legislation Yet The new Congress has been sworn into office but little in the way of legislation regarding Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid has yet been introduced. ...
How COVID-19 Affected Typical Retiree Costs in 2020 Seniors Need A Boost!
Washington, DC) – An eye - popping new list compiled by The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) indicates that, by late 2020, price increases for many of the expenditures of older Americans far outstripped the modest 1.3 perce ...