In mid-December there were reports that the Administration expected to begin sending out President Trump’s promised $200 drug discount cards to seniors by Jan. 1. However, we have not heard any report about whether or n ...
Category: Uncategorized
Judge Rules Hospitals Must Disclose Prices
In yet a third judicial ruling, The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld a rule by the Trump Administration that hospitals will have to publicly disclose the prices they negotiate with insur ...
Two Courts Halt Rule Tying Certain Drug Prices to Other Countries
Near the end of this past November President Trump issued two rules aimed at lowering prescription drug prices that affect Medicare beneficiaries. The rules followed up on executive orders that Trump signed in July. O ...
New Year, New Congress
As we begin a new year, we hope you had the best holiday season possible under the conditions we all continue to face because of the coronavirus pandemic. We know the past ten months have been extremely hard for many Am ...
Medicare Pay Cuts to Doctors Stopped for Now
Every year since the late 1990’s, Congress has ‘balanced’ the budget by declaring a pay cut to doctors’ Medicare services. Every year, after the budget for the next year is revealed, this cut is rescinded. Again, nex ...
Surprise Billing Coming to an End for Patients
One of the issues high on TSCL’s agenda this year was putting an end to the practice of “surprise billing.” Surprise billing is when patients incur “surprise” medical bills when they unexpectedly receive out-of-networ ...
Congress Finally Gets its Job Done
The flurry of activity in Congress has shared the top of the news this week with the continuing Covid-19 crisis and the beginning of the vaccine distribution program. We try not to repeat news here that is available to ...
Congress Passes Defense Bill but President Trump says He Will Veto
Another major piece of legislation that Congress is working on, one which has been passed and been signed into law by whomever has been President for the past 59 years, is the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). ...
Update No. 2 on Discount Drug Card
In one of our recent updates we said we hadn’t heard anything new about the $200 drug discount card for seniors that President Trump had announced in September. The program ran into obstacles because of a number of issu ...
Surprise! – Effort to End Surprise Billing Still Alive
In last week’s update we told you about the pending retirement of Senator Lamar Alexander (R- Tenn.), who has been a champion of legislation to end surprise medical billing. We feared the effort to end the practice woul ...