Category: Uncategorized

S. 90, Notch Fairness Act

If signed into law, the Notch Fairness Act would amend the Social Security Act to allow workers born between 1917-1926, often referred to as Notch Babies, to choose between a $5,000 lump-sum compensation that is payable ...

H.R. 155, Notch Fairness Act

If signed into law, the Notch Fairness Act would amend the Social Security Act to allow workers born between 1917-1926, often referred to as Notch Babies, to choose between a $5,000 lump-sum compensation that is payable ...

What is TSCL?

Q: What is TSCL? A: TSCL (TREA Senior Citizens League) consists of vocally active senior citizens concerned about the protection of their Social Security, Medicare, and veteran or military retiree benefits. TSCL was f ...
