If signed into law, the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act would amend title II of the Social Security Act to calculate cost-of-living adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers (CPI-E ...
Category: Uncategorized
H.R. 649, Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act
If signed into law, the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act would amend title II of the Social Security Act to calculate cost-of-living adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index for Elderly Consumers (CPI-E ...
H.R. 574, Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act
If signed into law, the Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act would repeal the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula and set up a five-year trial period during which the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services wou ...
S. 110, Social Security Lock-Box Act
If signed into law, the Social Security Lock-Box Act would establish a procedure to safeguard the Social Security Trust Funds and prevent lawmakers from using the monies for unrelated purposes. Sen. David Vitter (LA) ...
S. 90, Notch Fairness Act
If signed into law, the Notch Fairness Act would amend the Social Security Act to allow workers born between 1917-1926, often referred to as Notch Babies, to choose between a $5,000 lump-sum compensation that is payable ...
H.R. 155, Notch Fairness Act
If signed into law, the Notch Fairness Act would amend the Social Security Act to allow workers born between 1917-1926, often referred to as Notch Babies, to choose between a $5,000 lump-sum compensation that is payable ...
What if I make a donation and then become dissatisfied with TSCL?
Q: What if I make a donation and then become dissatisfied with TSCL? A: TSCL offers its supporters an unconditional refund of their most recent donation if they are dissatisfied with our position or performance. ...
What is TSCL?
Q: What is TSCL? A: TSCL (TREA Senior Citizens League) consists of vocally active senior citizens concerned about the protection of their Social Security, Medicare, and veteran or military retiree benefits. TSCL was f ...
Ask the Advisor: November 2012
Is The Social Security Totalization Agreement With Mexico Still Pending? Q: Has TSCL learned any new details about the Social Security totalization agreement with Mexico? What happens to the agreement after the elect ...
Ask the Advisor: Healthcare Reforms and Medicare Advantage
Q: I'm currently enrolled in a good Medicare Advantage plan and I worry about my benefits. I read that the healthcare reform law cut payments to Medicare Advantage plans. Can you tell me how that will affect my costs ...