Fastest Growing Retiree Prices, August 2018-August 2019

Fastest Growing Retiree Prices, August 2018-August 2019

Fastest Growing Retiree Prices, August 2018-August 2019


Item Percent Increase
Intercity bus fare 21.8%
Health insurance 18.6%
Repair of household items 8.7%
Men’s outerwear 8.3%
Potatoes 6.2%
Postage and delivery services 5.4%
Motor vehicle maintenance and service 4.5%
Medical care services 4.3%
Pet services including veterinary 4.2%
Rent of primary residence 3.7%

Source:  CPI-U data August 2019, Bureau of Labor Statistics



Slowest Growing Consumer Prices, August 2018-August 2019


Item Percent Decrease
Televisions - 20.2%
Smart phones -14.8%
Women’s dresses -11.6%
Computer software and accessories -9.9%
Citrus fruits -8.6%
Heating oil -8.4%
Laundry equipment -8.4%
Gasoline -7.1%
Peanut butter -5.2%
Recorded music and music subscriptions -4.8%

Source:  CPI-U data August 2019, Bureau of Labor Statistics





