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How Your Donation Helps

The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) relies on donations from supporters to carry out its mission on behalf of senior citizens and retirees. The organization does not receive any government funding. 

Our mission is to promote and assist members and supporters, to educate and alert senior citizens about their rights and freedoms as U.S. Citizens, and to protect and defend the benefits senior citizens have earned and paid for. TSCL consists of vocally active senior citizens concerned about the protection of their Social Security, Medicare, and veteran or military retiree benefits.

TSCL was first established as a special project of TREA: The Enlisted Association. On January 1, 1995, TSCL became an independent 501[c][4] citizens' action organization and therefore donations are not tax-deductible.

The TSCL Board of Trustees and staff are all dedicated to helping seniors. The following services provided by TSCL are considered primary and essential to the betterment of the quality of life of our nation's senior citizens:

  • Distribution of public awareness and educational materials,
  • Dissemination of information concerning legislation before Congress,
  • Enlistment of senior citizens in grass-roots lobbying campaigns on issues affecting retirees (civilian and military), and
  • Ensuring that governmental bodies live up to any commitment made to senior citizens.

Please help us continue our important work on behalf of senior citizens and retirees. Make a secure, online donation today.

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