• Q & A: December 2021 Will My Social Security Benefits Be Reduced? Q: I was born in 1960 and I’ve read that my Social Security benefits may be reduced.  Has your group learned anything new about this issue?  I turn 62 next year. A:  TSCL has been keeping an eye on a potential issue that might mean lower Social Security benefits for ...
  • Ask the Advisor: October/November 2021 What Is The Financial Impact of Widowhood? Q:  What is the financial impact of widowhood?  I became a widow in 2019 and within days, Social Security notified me that I would receive my husband’s benefit but would also lose all of mine.  In 2020 I got financially whiplashed at tax time by being thrown into the ...
  • Ask the Advisor: August 2021 Q:  Why Can’t Legal Guardians Receive Social Security Benefits on Behalf of Grandchild? Q: We are raising our 6-year-old grandson under permanent court ordered guardianship to age 18.  However, we are not allowed an additional Social Security benefit for this child unless we adopt him.  Seems unfair since we have the same responsibility to support him. ...
  • Frequently Asked Question: July 2021 Does Congress Plan to Fix An Impending Social Security Cut? Q: Have you heard anything about congress fixing a Social Security cut for those of us born in 1960?  — K.S. A:  TSCL has been getting a steady stream of email from those of you who might potentially be affected by a sizable benefit cut when you ...
  • Ask the Advisor: June 2021 What Is Congress Doing to Prevent My Benefits From Being Reduced? Q:  I read your story about a potential Social Security benefit cut affecting people who were born in 1960.  Has Congress taken any action yet to correct this? A:  The COVID-19 recession of 2020 may potentially result in permanent benefit cuts for about 4 million people ...
  • Q & A: March 2021 Can You Tell Me My Full Retirement Age? Q:  I was born May 10, 1960.  Can you tell me my retirement age?  I’ve read that the retirement age for Social Security is rising.  How does this affect the amount that I receive in benefits?  Can I still retire and receive benefits at age 62? A:  The age ...
  • Q & A: January 2021 Can I Work and Receive Social Security Benefits at the Same Time? Q:  I lost my job a few months ago and at age 64, recently started Social Security retirement benefits.  I just found out that I can work and still receive benefits at the same time.  Can you tell me how this works?  I thought ...
  • Ask the Advisor: January 2021 My Husband Had a stroke at 62.  Would He Qualify For Social Security Disability? Q:  My husband who is diabetic and has high blood pressure, underwent surgery for colon cancer in March of 2020.  He recovered and returned to work last summer.  Shortly thereafter he had a stroke.  He’s been unable to work and received short ...
  • Q & A: August 2020 My Ex-Spouse Died.  Would I Qualify For Widow’s Benefits Even Though I’m Re-married? Q:  I’ve been out of work since late March.  The company that I was working for is in the process of declaring bankruptcy, and I haven’t found a new job yet.  I turn 64 in two months, but if I start Social Security ...
  • Ask the Advisor: August 2020 Is Taking a Loan Against Your Social Security Benefits a Reasonable Option When You are Out of Work?  Q:  Recently I read about a stimulus proposal that would allow people who are out of work to access $5,000 of Social Security benefits in advance, in exchange for waiting a few months longer to get benefits when ...
