Legislative Update for Week Ending June 1, 2018

Legislative Update for Week Ending June 1, 2018

This week, Members of Congress remained in their home states and districts for the week-long holiday recess. Meanwhile, The Senior Citizens League (TSCL) saw support grow for two critical bills that would strengthen the Social Security program.

Lawmakers Adjourn for Holiday Recess

This week, lawmakers in the House and Senate adjourned for a week-long holiday recess. They are expected to return to Washington on Tuesday, June 5th. In the meantime, many Members of Congress will be attending local events or hosting town hall meetings in their home states and districts.

The Senior Citizens League encourages its supporters to attend these events and to ask important questions of their elected officials, like the following three...

  1. Social Security beneficiaries received a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 2 percent this year, but most are seeing their benefit increases completely offset by higher Medicare Part B premiums. Do you support legislation that would give older Americans a more fair and adequate Social Security COLA?
  2. Most Americans contribute 6.2 percent of every paycheck to Social Security, but due to the payroll tax cap, people earning more than $128,400 contribute nothing over that amount. Eliminating the payroll tax cap would extend the solvency of the program responsibly, without cutting benefits for seniors. Do you agree?
  3. In April, lawmakers on the Republican Study Committee proposed a budget blueprint that would reform the Medicare program and cut Social Security benefits by adopting the “chained” CPI, eliminating the COLA for some seniors, and raising the eligibility age. Did you support this dramatic budget blueprint, and if so, why?

For more information about town hall meetings near you in the days ahead, call the local offices of your Members of Congress. For contact information, click HERE.

Key Social Security Bills Gain Support

This week, The Senior Citizens League was pleased to see support grow for two key bills that would strengthen the Social Security program.

First, one new cosponsor – Representative David Cicilline (RI-1) – signed on to the Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act (H.R. 3302), bringing the total up to twelve. If adopted, H.R. 3302 would improve the Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) by basing it on the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E). It would cover the cost of this change and improve the solvency of the Trust Funds by ensuring that high income earners pay their fair share of taxes into the program.

Second, three new cosponsors signed on to the Social Security Expansion Act (H.R. 1114), bringing the total up to thirty-six. The new cosponsors are Representative Robert Brady (PA-1), Representative Albio Sires (NJ-8), and Representative Tim Ryan (OH-13). If adopted, H.R. 1114 would enhance Social Security benefits by basing COLAs on the CPI-E, increasing monthly benefits by around $65, improving the Special Minimum Benefit, applying the payroll tax to income above $250,000, and applying a 6.2 percent tax on investment income for wealthy individuals.

The Senior Citizens League enthusiastically supports H.R. 3302 and H.R. 1114, and we will continue to advocate for them tirelessly in months ahead. For more information, visit the Bill Tracking section of our website.
