President’s Budget Leaves out Plans for Lowering Drug Prices

President’s Budget Leaves out Plans for Lowering Drug Prices

Last week we reported that President Biden’s FY 2022 budget proposal was not expected to included specific legislative proposals for lowering drug prices or fixing Social Security and Medicare.

That turned out to be correct when his budget request was released last Friday.

Although he is proposing a large increase in federal spending on various health care programs, the budget proposal only says that the President would like Congress to take action this year on reducing prescription drug prices and fixing Medicare and Medicaid.

The president specifically indicated his support for creating a public option, lowering the minimum eligibility age for Medicare and expanding Medicare to include vision, hearing and dental coverage.

In discussing the budget request a spokesman for the President said, “We know there are proposals on the Hill being introduced, and we believe that it is more productive to work collaboratively with Congress to develop and build consensus around specific policies that achieve his broad goals.”

It is important to remember that the President’s budget is only a request he sends to Congress.  It is Congress that decides how much to spend on which programs.  No budget sent by a President to Congress ever comes out the way he proposes.

Clearly, some of the biggest items on Biden’s health agenda will require extensive work with Congress.

That’s why TSCL has been, and will continue working with members of Congress on urgent legislation that seniors need.

The help of TSCL supporters is critical this year if we are going to see our legislation passed.  We can win this fight for lower drug prices, for fixing Medicare and Medicaid, and for a bigger COLA for Social Security but it will require your continued support.
