Q: Part D fails enrollees who must take very expensive drugs. We fall into the “doughnut hole” and then either have to pay up to $3,850 out-of-pocket until catastrophic coverage starts, or fail to take our prescribed med ...
Author Archives: admin
Q & A: Medicare
Q: I understand that anyone with an income below $12,000 per year is eligible to have their Medicare Part B premiums returned. Can you tell me if this is true, when it started, and is it automatic or does one need to a ...
Q & A: Medigap
Q: I'll be 65 in October this year and I want to know when I need to apply for a Medi-Gap supplement? My work place will cover me with their Pacificare insurance until October 31, 2007. A: The best time to buy a Medig ...
Medicare Q & A
Q: I would like to know the deductible of my Medicare. A: Medicare has three Parts: A (hospital), B (doctors and hospital outpatient) and D (prescription drugs). Each has a deductible and each increases every y ...
Ask The Advisor: How Can I Stop Deductions For Part D, And Only Keep Part B?
Q: Since I no longer can afford my HMO how do I stop deductions for Part D from my Social Security and only keep Part B? - M.T. A: There are certain times during the year when Medicare beneficiaries may make ch ...
Ask the Advisor: We Are Held Hostage By Our Drug Plans
Q. I'm concerned that the insurance companies providing Medicare Part D are allowed to drop coverage on various drugs at any time during the year. There is little or no notice to the consumer. Yet as a Medicare con ...
TSCL’s Medicare Advocacy
TSCL believes that the Medicare prescription drug benefit law is flawed, and will be carefully monitoring the effects of both the short-term Medicare drug cards, and the Medicare Drug Benefit plan in Medicare Part D ...
Q & A: Help Filling The ‘Donut Hole’
Q: I recently discovered that my mother hit the doughnut hole in her Part D drug plan last year and then ran up her credit card to pay for her drugs. Her Social Security is too low to pay more than the minimum on her c ...
Ask The Advisor: October 2011
Q: Are you pushing to get Part D placed under original Medicare where it belongs? The government has a bigger bargaining chip to negotiate prices, than private industry. Private sector companies have no incentive to p ...
What to Do If You Drop Into The Part D Doughnut Hole
Unless you enrolled in a Part D drug plan that offers coverage for the gap or "doughnut hole," you will pay 100% of the costs in this gap in coverage until your total out-of-pocket costs reach $3,600. The cost of the ga ...