From the frequency of oil changes to the need to take your vehicle to the dealer to prevent voiding a warranty, much of what you have learned about automotive maintenance may not be true. Consequently, you may be spendin ...
Author Archives: georgette
Fixing Up a Home? Tax Breaks and Rebates Available for Energy-Saving Home Renovations
In 2023, older homeowners can potentially knock thousands of dollars off their tax bill through tax credits for qualified renovations to make homes more energy efficient. You can find information about how the credit wor ...
The $900 Medicare Grocery Allowance! Is This Legit?
Q: I keep seeing ads for $900 in Medicare-covered grocery allowance. Is this legit? A: They’re everywhere! TV and internet ads that hype as much as $900 in free groceries — a Medicare-covered healthy food allowance. B ...
Down To One Meal A Day?
Check Out These Senior Food Programs! During the peak inflation period from 2021- 2022, nearly half of all older households participating in TSCL surveys, 47% of older Americans, reported that they had applied for SNA ...
The Inflation Fight — Who’s Winning?
Getting your household budget headed in the right direction after more than two years of historic inflation is priority number one for retired Americans and TSCL. Roughly half the participants in TSCL’s most recent Senio ...
Legislative Update: May/June 2023
Emergency SNAP Benefits Ended, But Older Americans Still Need to Eat. TSCL Working For $1,400 Stimulus Payment By Daisy Brown, TSCL Legislative Liaison A temporary boost to SNAP benefits (food stamps) that was put ...
Benefit Bulletin: May/June 2023
Edward Cates, Chairman of the Board, TSCL 58% of Older Taxpayers Say Income Thresholds for Taxation of Social Security Benefits Should Be Adjusted You said it! We recently learned that 58% of older taxpayers think ...
Beware: Nothing Is Off the Table When It Comes to Social Security Cuts
By Mary Johnson, Editor Are you following the debate over the debt limit? Congress recently agreed to keep its hands off Social Security and Medicare. But it would be premature — even dangerous for your benefits — to ...
Ask The Advisor: When Will New Prescription Drug Price Savings Start?
Q: I keep seeing information that recent legislation will lower the cost of my prescription drugs, but I haven’t seen much of any change yet, other than the $35 cap on insulin costs which is helping a friend of mine. Wha ...
Best Ways to Save: May/June 2023
Does Medicare Provide a Grocery Benefit? Q: I keep seeing ads for a Medicare grocery benefit. How do I qualify? A: We keep seeing the ads too. Unfortunately, Medicare does not provide money for groceries, but so ...