Q: I heard that Medicare would be mailing new cards. When can I expect to get mine? A: Medicare expects to start mailing cards in May of 2018, but be patient. The cards are going out on a “rolling basis” t ...
Author Archives: georgette
The Advisor Asks: July 2018
What Was I Thinking? By Mary Johnson, editor, and Terry Newell, President, Leadership for a Responsible Society Why does decision making have to be so hard? How much time is the right amount to spend on thinking thi ...
Best Ways To Save: July 2018
What’s Secretly Sabotaging Your Finances? — Your Brain Rather than making deliberate well-reasoned choices, our brains often latch onto the first piece of information offered when making a decision, even though we may ...
Congressional Corner: We Need A CPI That Reflects Senior Costs
By Representative John Duncan, Jr. (TN-2) “Seniors squeezed by Medicare costs, zero raise in Social Security” was a Florida headline in October 2015, and was similar to many alarming headlines in newspapers across the ...
Legislative Update: July 2018
Lawmakers Aren’t Giving Up On Benefit Cuts By Jessie Gibbons, TSCL Legislative Director Earlier this year, after passing a $1.9 trillion tax bill in December and a $1.3 trillion spending package in March, leaders in ...
Benefit Bulletin: July 2018
"Official" Poverty Measure Undercounts The Number Of Older Americans Living In Poverty By Arthur Cooper, Board Chairman An alternate measure of inflation, the Supplemental Poverty Measure, indicates that the number o ...
More Than 70% Of Retirees Didn’t Know What To Expect In Lifetime Social Security Income When They Claimed Benefits
By Mary Johnson, editor It’s hard to plan your optimal retirement age without a realistic idea of what to expect in lifetime Social Security income. Yet, according TSCL’s 2017 Senior Survey, 71% of survey participant ...
Brand Name Drugs Increasing at 10X Rate of Inflation
The largest share of participants in TSCL’s 2018 Senior Survey, 43%, say that medical expenses were their fastest rising cost in 2017. Just medications alone take about 12.6% of the budgets of Americans age 65 and over, ...
Is Your Social Security Benefit Keeping Up With Rising Costs? Probably Not
About half of participants in TSCL’s 2018 Senior Survey confirm that, after the deduction for their rising Medicare Part B premiums in 2018, they were left with no boost to their net Social Security benefit, or one that ...
Q & A: May/June 2018
Q: My dad passed away at 67 and my mother claimed a widow’s benefit, at 65 based on his account. Now she’s over age 70, and she’s having trouble making ends meet. She worked for 30 years for a large company. Is ther ...