How Will Social Security Benefits Affect Our Income Taxes? Q: After I turned 67 this year, I started Social Security benefits while my wife and I continue to work. Can you give us an idea how much my Social Securit ...
Author Archives: georgette
Five Best Tax Breaks For Taxpayers Over 65
A number of tax breaks are available for people age 65 and older for 2016 returns. Here are 5 to discuss with your tax advisor: Higher income thresholds: People age 65 and older may not have to file an income tax ...
Legislative Update: February/March 2017
New Congress Eyes Testing The “Third Rail” By Jessie Gibbons, Senior Policy Analyst With Republicans in control of the House, the Senate, and the White House for the first time in eight years, The Senior Citizens L ...
Best Ways to Save: February/March 2017
Can You Afford a Long-Term Care Policy? “The problem with long-term care insurance is that anybody who can afford it doesn’t need it and anybody who needs it can’t afford it.” Long-term care insurance customers g ...
Benefit Bulletin: February/March 2017
What a New Congress Means For Medicare TSCL is closely following proposals that would overhaul Medicare as a part of the plans to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act. House Speaker Paul Ryan (WI) has put forward a pl ...
House Lawmakers Want Fast Action on Social Security and Medicare Overhauls
By Mary Johnson, editor A group of lawmakers in the U.S. House recently announced they are working on plans to reform Social Security and Medicare, according to a recent story appearing in The Wall Street Journal. Th ...
Major COLA Cuts In House Social Security Overhaul Bill
During the presidential campaign, Donald Trump repeatedly promised that, as president, he would not touch Social Security. But will he keep his word? In December of last year, legislation was introduced by a House Repu ...
Three Ways An Obamacare Repeal Would Affect Medicare
The new President and Congress are working to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) — more commonly known as Obamacare. The healthcare law included many provisions that affect Medicare and the 57 million retired and ...
Social Security Benefits Go Up, But Most Beneficiaries See No Increase
Social Security recipients are finally getting a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) this year that became effective January 1st. But if you’re like Millicent G., a 72-year-old retired veterinary technician from Williamsbu ...
What’s A Medicare “Buy-In”?
In the debate over rising healthcare costs, attention has focused on people age 50 to 64 who are among those with the highest premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. Some policy experts say that removing these ...