Critical talks are underway in Congress after legislation was introduced in the House and Senate to create a bipartisan “Fiscal Commission” tasked with creating a plan to address the looming insolvency of federal governm ...
Author Archives: georgette
Congressional Corner: New Legislation Would Extend Contribution Period For Health Savings Accounts, Protect Access To Skilled Nursing Facilities
By Representative Michelle Fischbach (MN-07) It is understandable to worry that Members of Congress may be disconnected from the people they are hired to serve. But I assure you, feedback from constituents has a h ...
Legislative Update: November/December 2023
83% Think Income Thresholds That Subject Social Security Benefits To Taxation Should Be Adjusted For Inflation. By Daisy Brown, TSCL Legislative Liaison When incomes grow like they did this year with an 8.7% COLA, ...
Benefit Bulletin: November/December 2023
Let’s Be Real: — The Social Security COLA Is Meager, Even When “Above Average” Edward Cates, Chairman of the Board, TSCL Inflation data is slowing down to more typical rates of growth, but so far NOBODY is throwing ...
The $45,000 Question — What Would You Do If Your Doctor Prescribes A Drug That Costs That Much?
Mary Johnson, editor Medicare coverage isn’t a set-it once and forget it option. To protect your retirement finances from potentially significant surprise expenses, it’s important to review your drug and health plan o ...
Ask the Advisor: November/December 2023
What are the most common stumbling blocks to maximizing Social Security and Medicare benefits? Q: Can you tell me the most costly misconceptions about Social Security and Medicare in terms of retirement income and hea ...
Best Ways to Save: What’s the Secret For Successfully Using CPAP Machines for Sleep Apnea?
The National Council On Aging Has A New Guide That Can Help About 30% of Americans experience poor sleep due to sleep apnea which often causes those affected to feel like a tired - all - the - time zombie. The most fr ...
Senate Holds Hearing On Making Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share of Social Security Taxes
Recently the Senate Budget Committee held a hearing to focus on a key question: Should payroll taxes be adjusted to require high earners to pay more into the program? A critical deadline is looming for Social Security, a ...
Failure To Address Social Security’s Solvency Could Cost Married Couples $17,400 In Benefits
As the 2024 campaign heats up, candidates are facing questions about their positions on Social Security benefit cuts and facing pressure to pledge not to touch Social Security. But one thing everyone needs to remember — ...
Older Households Report Very Modest Spending Despite Record COLA In 2023
Although retirees received the highest COLA in 40 years in 2023 — 8.7% — nobody is getting rich. The reality is that the dollar amount of the COLAs increase is very modest. According to TSCL’s latest Retirement Survey, 4 ...