President Obama recently announced a series of Executive Actions to protect an estimated 4.9 million illegal immigrants from deportation. This month the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service is expected to start takin ...
Author Archives: georgette
What’s Your Social Security Benefit Missing? About $113 A Month
Beneficiaries received a 1.7% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) this month, making 2015 the sixth year of exceptionally low COLA growth. With the average monthly Social Security payment hovering around $1,090, the annual ...
How Thousands Qualify For Social Security With No Social Security Number
Month after month, year after year, unbeknownst to most of the public, thousands of people with no Social Security number are receiving Social Security benefits. The beneficiaries don't qualify for benefits based on thei ...
Patients Sent Home Quicker and Sicker From Hospitals — Are Medicare Penalties to Blame?
By Mary Johnson Anyone who has spent time in the hospital knows the feeling of shock at how short the stays have become. Hospitalizations more than a day or two in length are rare. Patients who have surgery, hooked up ...
Benefit Bulletin: January 2015
Is The Government Manipulating COLAs? Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) have languished at exceptionally low levels in recent years. Administration officials and economists point to the sluggish economy and recent ec ...
Legislative Update: January 2015
TSCL Gears Up For Busy New Year By Jessie Gibbons, Legislative Assistant After a much-anticipated mid-term election and an active "lame duck" session on Capitol Hill, the 114th Congress has officially begun and The ...
Congressional Corner: Defeating Alzheimer’s Requires United Effort
By Congressman Peter Roskam (IL-06) Over five million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer's disease, and each year thousands more are diagnosed with this painful, heart-rending illness. Most of us know someo ...
TSCL Grassroots Spotlight
Gino Grosso Speaks Out On the COLA "Seniors need to get organized," says Gino Grosso of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. "Too many feel they can't do anything about low COLAs. People are very resigned." Recently Gino wa ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: January 2015
Q: I turn 65 in two months. I recently received my Medicare card and a letter stating that I might be eligible for Extra Help with prescriptions. I'm going to apply, but I'm still worried. My Social Security benefit is o ...
What Government Manipulation of Inflation Is Doing To Your Benefits
For the sixth consecutive year, Social Security beneficiaries will receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) that's a near-record low. Benefits will rise in January by a meager 1.7% after a 1.5% increase in 2014. In fac ...