Q: I'm diabetic and get my blood testing supplies via mail order. When I called to order my next shipment I was told I would have to pay the full cost of supplies and my credit card was charged. I thought Medicare cover ...
Category: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Medicare Part D
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Prescription Drugs Going Generic
Q: My brand name drug is supposed to go generic this year. Will my drug plan cover the generic and if so will I be notified? A: Sixteen major brand name drugs are going generic this year and another 25 are in the gene ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Medicare and Dental Coverage
Q: I'm turning 65 later this year and my dentist tells me that I will need dentures. Does Medicare cover dental services? A: Medicare does not cover routine dental care that you normally receive for the health of your ...
Ask the Advisor: Am I obligated to pay for medications that I did not order?
Q: I order my prescriptions through the mail to save money. Recently when my expensive brand drug went generic, I switched to a new, less expensive, drug plan. Shortly thereafter, I received an unordered shipment of the ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Prescription Is Not Covered
Q: My doctor recently changed one of my prescriptions because a similar drug was causing troublesome side effects. At the pharmacy I had to pay the full cost of the new prescription even though I'm enrolled in a good Par ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Choosing a Hospital
Q: I’m 65 and enrolled in Medicare. I need to undergo a routine surgery. There are several hospitals in my area and my doctor asked me which one I wanted to use. Since I’m new to this area, I wasn’t sure. Any suggestions ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Medicare Denying Coverage
Q: Recently I visited a specialist to determine the cause of a chronic cough. As I was checking out, I learned that the doctor wanted me to undergo a series of high-tech tests that I followed through with. Medicare denie ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: January 2012
Q: I’ve been filling my mother’s prescriptions at the same pharmacy without a problem and charged the same co-payment every month. In November when I picked up her prescription, I was charged the full price of the drug. ...
FAQ: How Are Medicare Benefits Impacted By The New Debt Deal?
The debt deal that Congress struck with President Obama is prompting questions about how the legislation affects Medicare benefits. Although beneficiaries escaped the cutting knife temporarily, a new bipartisan joint com ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: September 2011
Q: My husband is 86, has heart problems, a chronic eye condition, and is beginning to have symptoms of Alzheimer’s. What types of home care will Medicare pay for? A: Your husband must first qualify for the home health ...