Q: I recently discovered that my mother hit the doughnut hole in her Part D drug plan last year and then ran up her credit card to pay for her drugs. Her Social Security is too low to pay more than the minimum on her c ...
Category: Issues
Ask The Advisor: October 2011
Q: Are you pushing to get Part D placed under original Medicare where it belongs? The government has a bigger bargaining chip to negotiate prices, than private industry. Private sector companies have no incentive to p ...
What to Do If You Drop Into The Part D Doughnut Hole
Unless you enrolled in a Part D drug plan that offers coverage for the gap or "doughnut hole," you will pay 100% of the costs in this gap in coverage until your total out-of-pocket costs reach $3,600. The cost of the ga ...
Medicare Part D Will Cost Me More
Q: Medicare Part D is a rip off. My wife and I will pay more for our medication now, because we cannot afford to take the risk of not enrolling. We were getting most of our drugs from Canada, but under Part D we not o ...
Congressional Corner: By Representative Fred Upton (MI-6)
The Board of Trustees for Social Security and Medicare recently released a bombshell of a report that shows this essential health safety net is coming apart at the seams. The report estimates the Medicare trust fund wil ...
Would Plan Save Medicare or “End” It?
Would a House budget plan to overhaul Medicare save money or simply shift more of the costs now paid by the government to Medicare beneficiaries? The fiscal year 2012 plan recently passed by the U.S. House contains ...
“Safer Than Dealing Drugs” — The $70 Billion Medicare Ripoff
Each day Medicare processes 4 million claims and pays out $1 billion. According to government experts, the federal government could save as much as $70 billion a year by cracking down on fraud. The key, they, say is pr ...
Proposal Would Shift Escalating Medicare Costs To Beneficiaries
Under growing pressure to reduce the federal debt, Congress is considering a new Medicare proposal that would shift the risk of rising costs that outpace spending targets set by the government to seniors and the disabled ...
3 Ways To Lower Your Medicare Spending In 2011
By Mary Johnson Between age 55 and 64, it’s as if our body’s warranty expires and everything just crashes. By the time we turn 65 and eligible for Medicare, chances are we may have a chronic health condition that requi ...
“D” Day For Social Security & Medicare?
How safe are the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds? Some say that Social Security is fully funded and that the program will be able to pay benefits in full until 2037. On the other hand, TSCL believes that without ...