Q: Two years ago I lost my job and only found part time work since then. I’m having trouble covering all my expenses. My ex-spouse recently passed away. I was married to him for more than 13 years and never re-married ...
Category: Issues
Ask The Advisor: July 2011
Q: Why has the amount of Social Security payroll tax that’s withheld from earnings been reduced? If Social Security is running a deficit, how will decreasing the amount being paid in help? Won’t it just make it worse? ...
Ask The Advisor: June 2011
Q: The best way to help Social Security and Medicare is get people off the rolls who don't belong there — the non-citizens who have come here illegally, and their dependents who have never paid into Social Security. W ...
Ask The Advisor: January 2011
Q: Obama made a campaign promise to eliminate all income taxation of seniors making less than $50,000 a year. So far that has not happened. Seniors haven’t gotten Social Security increases, and now more are forced to ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: November 2010
Q: My husband recently passed away and I was granted disability benefits. I had VA health care as his spouse which was provided at no cost to me and included all my medication. After starting disability benefits, I wa ...
Ask The Advisor: November 2010
Q: Since Social Security is a trust fund, is it legal for the government to use money from Social Security for every-day operations? When the money is taken, does the government replace it with treasury bonds? A: Not ...
Ask The Advisor: November 2009
Q: When will Congress pay back all the funds they took from Social Security and spent on their pork barrell projects? This devastated Social Security. A: Repaying the $2.5 trillion that the federal government has bor ...
Q & A: February 2009
Q: I started Social Security benefits in 2007 at age 62, but my retirement accounts have lost so much of their value that I’m going back to work. Will my benefits be reduced? A: You can work while you receive Social ...
Q & A
Q: Why do the illegals receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) monies in Utah? Please do not tell me they don’t, as I know they do. Why are they tapping into our retirement fund and our disability money? What will ...
Q & A
Q: I retired at age 62 but my wife still works because she does not have a lot of earnings on her own record. She is 64 years old and will not be able to get her full benefits until 66. If she starts drawing SS early f ...