Category: Notch Articles

Notch Bulletin: June 2011

Recently we received the following from one of our readers: Both my wife & I are Notch Babies, and should have had higher Social Security benefits than we got.  Instead of Congress fighting amongst themselves, we wo ...

Notch Bulletin: May 2009

Why Chances For Notch Reform Are Stronger Than Ever Recently we received the following from one of our readers: I‘m a Notch Baby born in 1925.  I recently read where you say that “Congress may ‘give birth’ to a new gen ...

Biography Of Dr. John Haldi

Dr. John Haldi received his B.A. from Emory University with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Economics.  He went on to receive his M.A. and Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University. Dr. Haldi is currently the ...
