The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently reviewed a proposal that would boost the taxable amount of Social Security benefits, as one of the options for Congress to consider to reduce the federal deficit. The propo ...
Category: Social Security Reform Articles
67% of Older Americans Support Eliminating Social Security’s Waiting Periods
More than 10,000 people died waiting for a disability decision from the Social Security Administration in 2017. The rising death toll coincides with the growing backlog of people awaiting a decision about their eligibil ...
Can We Depend On the Social Security Trust Fund?
Mary Johnson, editor Since enactment 84 years ago, Social Security has been the most reliable source of retirement income that most retirees have. That said, our current Social Security program has a funding imbalanc ...
Social Security and Medicare Blamed for Rising Deficits
Are Cuts The Only Way to Reduce the Deficit? After passing new tax legislation that’s projected to increase the federal deficit by more than $1.5 trillion over the next ten years, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConne ...
What the Social Security Trust Fund is Missing From Top Paid CEOs
In the debate over Social Security’s long-term finances, some argue that the program is unsustainable because it is paying out more in benefits than it takes in. They say that benefits, including cost-of-living adjustme ...
Benefit Bulletin: September 2018
Waiting Periods Can Bankrupt Disabled Beneficiaries More than 920,000 Americans await hearings that will determine their eligibility for Social Security disability insurance benefits (SSDI). The process is a long one ...
More Than 70% Of Retirees Didn’t Know What To Expect In Lifetime Social Security Income When They Claimed Benefits
By Mary Johnson, editor It’s hard to plan your optimal retirement age without a realistic idea of what to expect in lifetime Social Security income. Yet, according TSCL’s 2017 Senior Survey, 71% of survey participant ...
18% Of Workers Pay No Social Security Taxes On Earnings Over $128,400
Most working people pay Social Security taxes on every dollar earned and many pay more in Social Security taxes than in federal income taxes. Yet nearly one out of five workers — some 18% — pay no Social Security taxes ...
Cuts To Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Not Supported By Older Voters
(Washington, DC) – A survey of older voters indicates that Congressional plans to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in order to shrink the deficit would be politically explosive in an election year, warns The Se ...
The Tax Reform That The Public Supports And Boosts Social Security
By Mary Johnson, editor Over the next decade, the amount of payroll taxes flowing into Social Security is expected to drop, but not for the reason that most people think — because Baby Boomers are retiring. To the c ...