A subcommittee of the Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing this week on the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Future of Medicare Financing. That’s good news! One of TSCL’s concerns is for the long-term hea ...
Category: Uncategorized
Drug Pricing Legislation Still in the Mix
As we have recently reported, there is still hope that Congress will be able to pass legislation that will have in it a provision to lower the costs of prescription drugs. However, it is the Democratic majority in the Se ...
Supreme Court Vacancy Shuffles Senate Schedule
Congress is back in session this week after being out of session last week. They already had their hands full with the amount of work they need to do and the announcement of the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephe ...
Government Warns About Fake Covid Test Kits
A few days ago the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a warning about fraudulent testing kits being sold online to desperate customers. "It's not a surprise that, according to the US Food and Drug Administration, f ...
Social Security 2100 Bill Keeps Gaining Support
We have told you in the past about the “Social Security 2100” bill that would improve benefits and strengthen the entire Social Security system. It’s a bill that TSCL has been working with its author, Congressman John La ...
Drug Companies Spend Record Amount to Keep Drug Prices High
We’ve told you in the past that the drug companies pulled out all the stops last year to fight the effort to lower drug prices. According to a new report from Bloomberg Government News, PhRMA, the lobbying group of the m ...
Efforts to Lower Drug Prices Still Alive
Unless you do not pay attention to the news at all, you know that passing legislation to lower the prices of prescription drugs in the Senate has two main obstacles: in addition to every Republican Senator, there are two ...
Panel Recommends Payment Cuts for Nursing Homes/Home Health in 2023
Bloomberg News has reported that a federal advisory commission will recommend to Congress that traditional Medicare lower payments by 5% to nursing homes, home health agencies, and inpatient rehabilitation facilities in ...
Will the Medicare Part B Premium be Lowered?
As you no doubt know by now, the increase in the Medicare Part B premium for 2022 is the largest ever. As we previously reported, the large increase came about as a result of Medicare preparing to pay for the cost of a ...
Will Prescription Drug Legislation Pass This Year?
As a reminder, the provision to reduce the costs of prescription drugs is part of the legislative package called “Build Back Better,” which is one of the top priorities of President Biden. However, because of the Senate ...