(Washington, DC) – Medicare doesn’t have the authority to negotiate drug prices, leaving millions of older Americans at risk of price gouging for their prescription drugs, according to a new comparison of drug plans by T ...
Category: Uncategorized
Social Security Reform “Trigger” Buried in GOP Budget Resolution Says The Senior Citizens League
(Washington, DC) – The House fiscal year 2018 budget resolution includes instructions for creating an unusual Social Security “reform trigger” and sets up an expedited path for ensuing legislation, says The Senior Citize ...
Q & A: August 2017
Q: Can you tell me how I can find out what my benefit and probable income from Social Security would be? I’ve heard some complaints about conflicting information. I turn 62 later this year. A: The age at which you ...
Ask The Advisor: July 2017
Is This “Ageism?” Q: A 63 year old acquaintance told me that she’s having trouble finding another job despite having worked professionally for years. She suspects that younger managers think that older workers don’t ...
Benefit Bulletin: July 2017
How Capping Medicaid Would Affect Low - Income Medicare Recipients Medicaid plays an essential role for both low–income older Americans and middle-income older people who have been made poor by their health care costs ...
New Medicare Report: “Adequate Coverage and Affordability Beyond Reach Of Many Low And Moderate Income People”
By Mary Johnson, editor The GOP’s health legislation now in the Senate includes provisions affecting almost everyone, including older people on Medicare and Medicaid. The deep cuts to Medicare and Medicaid funding in ...
GOP Obamacare Repeal Bill Gets Rocky Reception
House Republicans who squeezed through the Obamacare repeal are meeting with outrage from angry constituents. Among other things, the public, and even some Senate Republicans, have complained that there were no public h ...
Q & A: June 2017
Q: My husband and I are divorcing. He is 66, and plans to delay starting Social Security benefits until he turns 70. I turn 64 this month and I’m still employed as an administrative assistant. What are my options for Soc ...
2017 Loss of Buying Power Report
2017 Loss of Buying Power Report ...
The Senior Citizens League Strongly Opposes Portions of The American Health Care Act
(Washington, DC) – New legislation passed in the House to repeal and replace Obamacare puts access to health care for the sickest, poorest, and even older Americans on Medicare at risk, warns The Senior Citizens League ( ...