By Representative Peter DeFazio (OR-4) There's a lot of talk in D.C. about using Social Security to help pay down the federal deficit. Despite the hype, Social Security is not, and never was, the cause of our deficit. ...
Author Archives: georgette
Ask the Advisor: September 2013
Is Congress Getting A Paycheck This Year? Q: Congress made a big deal over "No Budget No Pay" earlier this year. But what happened since? Was a budget ever passed? Is Congress getting a paycheck this year? A: Hous ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: Electronic Benefits and Fraud
How Safe Are Electronic Social Security Benefits From Fraud? Q: Recently I got a notice that my bank account was overdrawn. When I checked with the bank, my Social Security direct deposit was never received. I called ...
Social Security & Medicare Questions: August 2013
Q: Does Medicare cover eye care? I'm diabetic and require eye exams frequently. A: Medicare generally will not pay for routine eye exams and glasses, but will pay for some services if you need treatment for eye diseas ...
Ask the Advisor: August 2013
Are Members of Congress Giving Up Their Health Insurance for Obamacare? Q: My husband and I are not yet 65 or enrolled in Medicare. We are still working – primarily so we can get health insurance coverage throug ...
Congressional Corner: Let’s Repeal The Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset
By Representative Rodney Davis (IL-13) A 2009 study placed American students 25th out of 34 countries in math and science. We were behind nations like China, South Korea, Hong Kong and others. As we work to improve ou ...
Best Ways To Save: August 2013
It's Hurricane Season. Do You Have Flood Insurance? Damage by flooding is the most common and most costly type of disaster in the U.S. Just one inch of water throughout a 2,000 square foot home can cause almost $21,00 ...
Public Opinion Can Sway Votes In Congress!
Here's What Seniors Think About The Medicare Fraud-Fighting Cut Recent "automatic" Medicare budget cuts slash $63 million from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program ...
Legislative Update: August 2013
With So Much At Stake It's Time to Challenge Elected Lawmakers! By Jessie Gibbons, Legislative Assistant By the end of this year, lawmakers could enact legislation that would trim Social Security benefits, threaten ...
Seventeen Co-sponsors for The Notch Fairness Act
While Congress has been holding hearings and considering changes to Social Security, TSCL has been successful in gaining co-sponsors for The Notch Fairness Act. The bill, introduced in the House and Senate by Representat ...