Q: I’m turning 65 later this year. I currently receive my healthcare insurance through my wife’s employer. How does Medicare work with this insurance? May I delay enrolling in Medicare? A: This is a great questio ...
Q & A: April/May 2021
Does Medicare Cover Eyeglasses? Q: Does Medicare provide coverage for eye care services or eyeglasses? A: Medicare pays for a wide range of services including many preventive benefits, but routine eye care is no ...
How Much of Your Social Security Is Taken By Medicare Costs?
By Mary Johnson, editor The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently announced that the standard Medicare Part B premium will be $148.50 in 2021, an increase of $3.90 per month from $144.60 in 2020. That i ...
TSCL Plays Role in Preventing Part B Premium Spike in 2021
The annual Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) is just 1.3% this year, making it one of the lowest ever paid. But the standard monthly Medicare Part B premium increased by a modest $3.90, from $144.60 to $1 ...
New Legislation Limits Stiff Increase Expected for 2021 Medicare Part B Premium
With Medicare outlays spiraling due to outlays for COVID-19, Congress recently passed legislation to head off an expected Part B premium spike, by restricting the increase for 2021. TSCL has been warning about the poten ...
Benefit Bulletin: September 2020
Low-Income Health Programs, Working and Laid Off Workers Take the Biggest Hit When Medicare Part B Premiums Spike By Rick Delaney, Chairman of the Board In years when there has been no, or almost no cost-of-living ...
Benefit Bulletin: June 2020
Medicare Premiums Could Spike Due to Coronavirus By Rick Delaney The coronavirus has hit older Americans particularly hard and sent tens of thousands of Medicare recipients to hospital emergency rooms and intensive ...
Benefit Bulletin: March/April 2020
What to do When You Can’t Afford Medicare Premiums By Rick Delaney, Chairman of the Board Medicare Part B premiums jumped $9.10 per month in 2020 — one of the biggest increases in recent years. While the Social Se ...
Medicare Now Covers Testing For Coronavirus
The coronavirus is a more severe flu strain than the seasonal flu which means more people require greater medical care. For most people this flu is survivable but without the extra medical care that someone might normal ...
House Drug Bill Would Save Medicare $345 Billion
Legislation that would give Medicare authority to negotiate drug prices would save Medicare $345 billion over ten years, according to a preliminary analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO says the b ...