Mary Johnson, editor Roughly one-half of all retiree households report that a portion of their Social Security benefits is subject to taxation, according to TSCL’s Senior Surveys. That’s substantially more than expec ...
Category: Social Security Reform Articles
Benefit Bulletin: November 2019
Rick Delaney, Chairman of the Board Social Security Legislation Would Provide 75 Years of Solvency For Social Security If lawmakers wait too long, solutions for fixing Social Security’s financing could in ...
Benefit Bulletin: October 2019
Rick Delaney, Chairman of the Board, TSCL Could Social Security Solvency Issues Be Even Worse Than Estimated? Recently we received a comment from Steve F. of California, who noted that, by his understanding, if Con ...
Social Security Benefits Lose 33% of Buying Power
Between October of 2018, and January 2019, consumer prices fell according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. On January 1, 2019, Social Security beneficiaries received a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 2.8 ...
Failing to Lift Debt Limit Would Be “Disastrous” For Social Security and Medicare
The federal government shutdown that occurred from midnight December 22, 2018, until January 25, 2019, was the longest in U.S. history. It was so disruptive that an analysis from Standard and Poor’s (S & P) estimate ...
Higher Taxation of Social Security Among Options to Reduce the Deficit
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently reviewed a proposal that would boost the taxable amount of Social Security benefits, as one of the options for Congress to consider to reduce the federal deficit. The propo ...
67% of Older Americans Support Eliminating Social Security’s Waiting Periods
More than 10,000 people died waiting for a disability decision from the Social Security Administration in 2017. The rising death toll coincides with the growing backlog of people awaiting a decision about their eligibil ...
Can We Depend On the Social Security Trust Fund?
Mary Johnson, editor Since enactment 84 years ago, Social Security has been the most reliable source of retirement income that most retirees have. That said, our current Social Security program has a funding imbalanc ...
Social Security and Medicare Blamed for Rising Deficits
Are Cuts The Only Way to Reduce the Deficit? After passing new tax legislation that’s projected to increase the federal deficit by more than $1.5 trillion over the next ten years, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConne ...
What the Social Security Trust Fund is Missing From Top Paid CEOs
In the debate over Social Security’s long-term finances, some argue that the program is unsustainable because it is paying out more in benefits than it takes in. They say that benefits, including cost-of-living adjustme ...