Last week President Biden’s administration unveiled its plan to lower prescription drug prices that includes a number of aggressive proposals but that are basically the same proposals that Democrats have pushed for ...
Category: Uncategorized
TSCL’s Endorsement Sought for Social Security Bill
Last week TSCL was contacted by the office of Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Wash.) seeking our endorsement of legislation he is introducing titled the “Social Security Stabilization and Enhancement Act.” Rep. DeFazio say ...
Congress Needs to Act to Stop Medicare Insolvency
The Congressional Budget Office has predicted the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, which pays for hospital and most institutional services under Medicare Part A, will be depleted by 2027. However, the Medicare Trustees ...
Democratic Majority Divisions Put Medicare Changes at Risk
As we’ve reported in the past, the Democrats have the narrowest of majorities in both the House and the Senate. They can’t afford to lose any Democratic votes in the Senate and only 3 in the House. That’s crucial becau ...
Congress is Running out of Time
As we’ve previously reported, the Senate will return for votes starting on September 15 while the House won’t be back to begin voting until September 20. Various Congressional committees are back at work this week, howe ...
Problems on Lowering Drug Prices
As we’ve said, lowering drug prices is a top goal of Democrats, including President Biden. Republicans have indicated they will not support that effort so the Democrats have to pass it with just their own members. With ...
Big Agenda – but Little Time to get it Done
The wheels of government usually grind very slowly. That’s by design, but it also reflects the diversity of the country. Citizens living in rural areas have different needs and wants than those in urban or suburban are ...
Congress Out of Session – Sort Of
The House and the Senate remain officially out of session for their August break, but saying that is a bit deceptive. It means the House and Senate chambers in the Capitol are closed for voting. The Senate will retur ...
How an Infrastructure Bill Could Affect Drug Prices
It seems strange that a bill that is suppose to deal with the nation’s infrastructure could affect prescription drug prices, but that’s the way Washington works. In order to get less popular items passed, Congressiona ...
New Bill Would Prepare for Future Diseases
The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated in a vivid and tragic way how unprepared we are for new diseases of this type, even though there were warnings for years from medical and scientific experts that we would be hit by one ...